Khamis, 23 Oktober 2014

" Saya Nak Sentuh Anjing "

ORANG Islam boleh sentuh dan pelihara anjing atau tidak ?

Inilah isu hangat dibahaskan sekarang ekoran acara " I Want To Touch A Dog" yang mendapat sambutan hangat dikalangan masyarakat Islam terutama dari golongan generasi muda yang dikatakan mempunyai fikiran lebih liberal.

Namun kerana majoriti di negara kita bermazhab Syafie, maka isu ini tidak perlu dibahaskan lagi. Hukum berkenaan dengan anjing adalah jelas haram.

Tetapi dua keping gambar di bawah dalam sekitar 1930an melibatkan Sultan Kelantan, para Mufti dan seekor anjing adalah menarik perhatian untuk direnungkan.

A photograph from the 1930s showing the Mufti of Kelantan with the sultan of Kelantan’s pet dog used on the cover of William R. Roff’s book, Studies on Islam and Societies in Southeast Asia. The sultan wanted to keep a dog but his sister objected and the case went to Al-Azhar University in Cairo with the clerics there informing the prince that it was fine to own a dog. – Pic used with permission, October 23, 2014.A ophotograph from the 1930s showing the Mufti of Kelantan with the sultan of Kelantan’s pet dog used on the cover f William R. Roff’s book, Studies on Islam and Societies in Southeast Asia. The sultan wanted to keep a dog but his sister objected and the case went to Al-Azhar University in Cairo with the clerics there informing the prince that it was fine to own a dog. – Pic used with permission, October 23, 2014. - See more at:

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